
发布日期:2007-09-28 08:17:13.0 信息来源: 浏览次数: 作者:韩素音

   Judging from the scientists I know, including Eva and Ruth, and those whom I"ve read about, you can"t pursue the laws of nature very long without bumping into beauty 1 .“I don"t know if it"s the same beauty you see in the sunset,” a friend tells me, “but it feels the same.” This friend is a physicist, who has spent a long career deciphering what must be happening in the interior of stars. He recalls for me this thrill on grasping for the first time Dirac"s equations describing quantum mechanics, or those of Einstein describing relativity. “They"re so beautiful,” he says, “you can see immediately they have to be true. Or at least on the way toward truth.” I ask him what makes a theory beautiful, and he replies, “Simplicity, symmetry, elegance, and power.”

   Why nature should conform to theories we find beautiful is far from obvious. The most incomprehensible thing about the universe, as Einstein said, is that it"s comprehensible. How unlikely, that a short-lived biped on a two-bit planet should be able to gauge the speed of light, lay bare the structure of an atom, or calculate the gravitational tug of a black hole. We"re a long way from understanding everything, but we do understand a great deal about how nature behaves. Generation after generation, we puzzle out formulas, test them, and find, to an astonishing degree, that nature agrees. An architect draws designs on flimsy paper, and her buildings stand up through earthquakes. We launch a satellite into orbit and use it to bounce messages from continent to continent. The machine on which I write these words embodies hundreds of insights into the workings of the material world, insights that are confirmed by every burst of letters on the screen, and I stare at that screen through lenses that obey the laws of optics first worked out in detail by Isaac Newton.

    By discerning patterns in the universe, Newton believed, he was tracing the hand of God. Scientists in our day have largely abandoned the notion of a Creator as an unnecessary hypothesis, or at least an untestable one. While they share Newton"s faith that the universe is ruled everywhere by a coherent set of rules, they cannot say, as scientists, how these particular rules came to govern things. You can do science without believing in a divine Legislator, but not without believing in laws.

    I spent my teenage years scrambling up the mountain of mathematics. Midway up the slope, however, I staggered to a halt, gasping in the rarefied air, well before I reached the heights where the equations of Einstein and Dirac would have made sense 2 . Nowadays I add, subtract, multiply, and do long division when no calculator is handy, and I can do algebra and geometry and even trigonometry in a pinch, but that is about all that I"ve kept from the language of numbers. Still, I remember glimpsing patterns in mathematics that seemed as bold and beautiful as a skyful of stars.

    I"m never more aware of the limitations of language than when I try to describe beauty. Language can create its own loveliness, of course, but it cannot deliver to us the radiance we apprehend in the world 3, any more than a photograph can capture 4 the stunning swiftness of a hawk or the withering power of a supernova. Eva"s wedding album holds only a faint glimmer of the wedding itself. All that pictures or words can do is gesture beyond themselves toward the fleeting glory that stirs our hearts. So I keep gesturing 5.

    “ All nature is meant to make us think of paradise,” Thomas Merton observed. Because the Creation puts on a nonstop show, beauty is free and inexhaustible, but we need training in order to perceive more than the most obvious kinds. Even 15 billion years or so after the Big Bang, echoes of that event still linger in the form of background radiation, only a few degrees above absolute zero. Just so, I believe, the experience of beauty is an echo of the order and power that permeate the universe. To measure background radiation, we need subtle instruments; to measure beauty, we need alert intelligence and our five keen senses.

    Anyone with eyes can take delight in a face or a flower 6. You need training, however, to perceive the beauty in mathematics or physics or chess, in the architecture of a tree, the design of a bird"s wing, or the shiver of breath through a flute 7. For most of human history, the training has come from elders who taught the young how to pay attention. By paying attention, we learn to savor all sorts of patterns, from quantum mechanics to patchwork quilts. This predilection brings with it a clear evolutionary advantage, for the ability to recognize patterns helped our ancestors to select mates, find food, avoid predators. But the same advantage would apply to all species, and yet we alone compose symphonies and crossword puzzles, carve stone into statues, map time and space.

    Have we merely carried our animal need for shrewd perceptions to an absurd extreme? Or have we stumbled onto a deep congruence between the structure of our minds and the structure of the universe?

    I am persuaded the latter is true. I am convinced there"s more to beauty than biology, more than cultural convention. It flows around and through us in such abundance, and in such myriad forms, as to exceed by a wide margin any mere evolutionary need. Which is not to say that beauty has nothing to do with survival: I think it has everything to do with survival. Beauty feeds us from the same source that created us. It reminds us of the shaping power that reaches through the flower stem and through our own hands. It restores our faith in the generosity of nature. By giving us a taste of the kinship between our own small minds and the great Mind of the Cosmos, beauty reassures us that we are exactly and wonderfully made for life on this glorious planet, in this magnificent universe 8. I find in that affinity a profound source of meaning and hope. A universe so prodigal of beauty may actually need us to notice and respond, may need our sharp eyes and brimming hearts and teeming minds, in order to close the circuit of Creation 9.


    本文是 2005年第十七届韩素音青年翻译奖英译汉部分的参赛原文。选自《当代美国散文选》(上海外语教育出版社20038月出版)“ Beauty ” 一文的结尾部分。桑德斯的这篇 “ Beauty ” ,充满抒情散文的浓郁文采。作者阅历丰富,思路开阔。全文用词简隽,风格大气,行文如流水,洒脱自如,虽是散文,却富有诗的韵律和节奏,充分展 示了英语抒情散文的优美风格。


1 …, you can"t pursue the laws of nature very long without bumping into beauty.

“not…without” 明显是一个双重否定结构,相当于汉语 …… 就不能只要 …… ,就会 …… ”的意思。不要译为“ …… 要是没有与美邂逅的话,就不能更进一步探索自然规律,因果颠倒,歪曲了原意。

2. Midway up the slope, however, I staggered to a halt, gasping in the rarefied air, well before I reached the heights where the equations of Einstein and Dirac would have made sense.

句中“ would have made sense ”是虚拟语气,意为当时若要弄明白的话

3. but it cannot deliver to us the radiance we apprehend in the world,…

“ radiance ”一词须斟酌, 其本意为辐射,译时不妨从中得到联想,引申为意境,与感悟” (apprehend) 正好吻合。

4. …, but it cannot deliver to us…, any more than a photograph can capture.

这是本文的语法难点之一。句中 “ any more than…” 应与前 “cannot” 连用,表否定意义不能 …… 也不能 …… ”,相当于 “not any more / no more …than…” 结构 (=not…just as…not…) 正因为 “any more than” 前面有逗号,应把它看成下一句中的省略形式,即 “(it can not deliver)any more (to us…)than a photograph can capture…” “(it can deliver) no more (to us)…than…” 意为语言不能 …… 就像照片不能 …… 一样

5. So I keep gesturing 这是本文的难点之一,要译好这一段,有必要对这一段中作者的思路进行梳理:语言(贫乏——照片(强不到哪去)——伊娃的相册(不过是全景之一瞥)——结论:照片、文字只能是摆弄一下姿态 / 比划比划 (gesture) ——作者自己:既然语言如此贫乏,那我的文章岂不是也只能触其表而未及其里,跟着做做样子,比划比划” (gesture) ?故作者笔锋一转,自我调侃。故译为:因而,我只好在这儿跟着比划下去了。解读原文意义须结合整体语篇考虑,说话人自有其特定的交际意图和说话逻辑,不然说出来毫无意义。

6. Anyone with eyes can take delight in a face or a flower.

正常人都有双眼,说这话意义不大。翻译最难是口吻(毛荣贵, 2002 ),原作者的口吻语气其实就在字里行间,译时不要把一篇优美的散文译成了干瘪的说明文。只要稍做变通,原文神采便跃然纸上:凡眼见于俏脸、鲜花,无人不赏心悦目

7.You need training, however, to perceive the beauty in mathematics or physics or chess, in the architecture of a tree, the design of a bird"s wing, or the shiver of breath through a flute.


8. … we"re exactly and wonderfully made for life in this glorious planet, in this magnificent universe.


9. .. in order to close the circuit of Creation

这里如把“ close ”一词译为关闭终结,岂不与上下文语义相悖?其实,“ close ”尽管有多种意思,但与“ circuit ”连用,意思则有改变:接通电路。当然这一语义仍与上下文不合。因此,不妨从此本意出发,引申为沟通 …… 之间的交流与循环,有周而复始的含义。



( 节选 )

我认识的 ( 包括伊娃和鲁思认识的 ) 和书中读到的科学家们都认为,只要去探寻自然法则,不用多久,必有与美邂逅的一天。那种美” , 用我一位朋友的话来说:不知能否与夕阳晚照媲美,但感受绝对是一样的。我的这位物理学家朋友,为破解星体内部之谜耗去了大半辈子的光阴。回想初次顿悟量子力学狄拉克方程式或爱因斯坦相对论所带给他的那份狂喜,他会说 真是太美了 ! 一看就知道那必是真理,或至少接近真理。当问及何谓理论之美,答曰:简洁、对称、典雅、力量

    大自然为何与我们所见之 " 美的理论 " 这般吻合 ? 个中道理尚不得而知。然而,如爱因斯坦所言,宇宙之妙就在于其最不可知者其实可知。试想,在一颗丁点儿大的星球上,一群生命不长的两足动物竟能测定光速、解构原子、计算黑洞引力,是何等地不可思议 ! 诚然,知晓世间万物尚远非人力所能及,但自然界的活动规律,的确被人类弄清了许多。一代又一代,人类推导出的各种公式定理,几经验证,竟发现与自然界惊人的一致 ;建筑师在薄纸上绘制出的建筑蓝图,建成后竟能经地震而屹立不倒;人类将卫星送入空间轨道,便可在地球各大洲传递信息;我用来打字的这台电脑, 同样是人类千百次探索与认知物质世界的结晶,眼前跳现于荧屏上的一个个字母就是最好的例证; 而我的双眼透过镜片凝视荧屏, 这镜片又是遵循艾萨克·牛顿当年阐释的光学原理研制而成。

    牛顿认为,认知宇宙结构模式,乃探索上帝造物之谜。而当今之科学家们,早已将造物主一说抛至脑后,视其为虚妄假说,或至少认为它无从验证。他们虽认同 牛顿的观点,认为宇宙万物无处不由一套连贯严整的法则来主宰,但作为科学家,却又讲不出这些特定法则是如何统领天地万物的。从事科学研究可不信上帝立法之说,但决不可不信其法则的存在。

    青少年时,我曾攀登过数学之峰。然而,行至半山,距爱因斯坦和狄拉克理论之巅尚遥不可及之地,便已步履蹒跚,胸闷气短,气喘吁吁而颓然止步了。如今,手头虽无计算器, 我也能加、减、乘、除 ( 甚至做多位数长除法 ), 必要时还会做代数、几何和三角一类的运算。但就数字符号而言,就已穷尽我毕生所学了。至今我仍记得,一瞥之下,那些数学图式恰如漫天繁星闪烁,曾是那般美丽而耀眼。

    直到用语言描绘美,我才深感语言的贫乏与无奈。语言固然能创自身之美,却无法言传人们在世间感悟的那番美的意境,这恰如照片不能捕捉飞鹰掠天的惊人迅疾与超新星爆耀的摄人威力一样,伊娃的新婚像册,也不过是整个婚礼淡淡的一瞥。照片也好,文字也罢,要 表达那种动人心魄、稍纵即逝的辉煌之美,充其量不过是 " 比划 " 一下而己 ! 因而,我只好在这儿跟着 " 比划 " 下去了。

    托马斯·默顿曾感言: " 天地万物欲使我们想到天堂 " 。上天造物,生生不息,犹如连番上演的舞台剧,美亦展示得无拘无束、无穷无尽。若要从最显见的物类中获得更多美的感悟,则须经专门训练。即使在宇宙大爆炸的一百五十亿年后,其反射仍以背景辐射的形式, 略略徘徊于绝对零度之上。正因为此,人们对美的体验,实则是对宇宙间无处不在的秩序与力量的回应。测量背景辐射,要有精巧的仪器;体验美,则需机敏的智能与敏锐的五官了。


    那么,是人类为获敏锐的感知而一味将其动物的本能需求推向了乖戾之极致, 还是人脑构造与宇宙天体碰巧契合呢 ?

    后一说法令我信服。我相信,美之契合甚于生物进化,更甚于文化习俗,它流经我们身边,贯通我们心灵,其内涵之丰富、形态之多样,大大超越了人类起码的进化需求。当然, 这并非说美与生存无关,恰恰相反,它们之间可谓息息相通。美用人类生命之源滋养人类, 使我们想起了经由花茎与人的双手产生的创造力。 美恢复了人类对大自然慷慨富有的信念, 唤起了渺小人类与浩瀚宇宙心灵间的亲缘感应。美使我们深信,如此妙绝天成的人类,原本就是为这煌煌星球、泱泱宇宙应运而生的。从这一天缘巧合中,我悟出那种深长的蕴意与博大的希望。一个流芳溢美的大千世界,兴许真要我们对它处处留意并做出回应,需要我们用敏锐的双眼、充沛的情感、博大的心怀,去勾通人类与大自然的交流和循环,使之周而复始、生生不息。